Sthree Sakthi (SS-340) Lottery Result
Date: 22 November 2022
1st Prize Rs: 7,500,000/-
SV 177198 (THRISSUR)
Agent Name: MIDHUN K K
Agency No: R 9808
Consolation Prize Rs.8, 000/-
SN 177198 SO 177198
SP 177198 SR 177198
SS 177198 ST 177198
SU 177198 SW 177198
SX 177198 SY 177198
SZ 177198
2nd Prize Rs.1,000, 000/-
SW 142384 (KANNUR)
Agent Name: MANOJ T
Agency No: C 3475
For the tickets ending with the following numbers
3rd Prize Rs.5, 000/-
0106 0286 3098 4157 4960 6077 6240 6417 7262 7285 7376 7481 7943 8056 8342 9501 9659 9827
4th Prize Rs.2, 000/-
0184 1228 1718 2647 2858 4191 6308 8273 8507 9777
5th Prize Rs.1, 000/-
0101 1330 2495 3251 3874 3924 4104 5247 5277 6722 7114 7441 7928 8034 8192 8420 8628 8726 8818 9743
6th Prize Rs.500/-
0223 0247 0393 0437 0488 0935 1058 1093 1177 1384 1488 1513 1681 2049 2338 2955 3071 3122 3505 3530 3610 3673 4553 4686 4741 4813 5004 5273 5307 5335 5385 5514 5898 5926 6487 6655 7034 7404 7552 7780 7886 7958 8285 8451 8590 8690 9183 9234 9324 9352 9770 9980
7th Prize Rs.200/-
0175 0219 0301 0366 0463 0486 0516 0544 0617 0970 1098 1400 1632 1943 2181 2607 2819 3032 3499 3588 3596 3853 4008 4037 4121 4366 4427 4956 5016 5035 5181 5540 5605 5729 6956 7482 7638 7738 8044 8351 8458 9302 9888 9923 9964
8th Prize Rs.100/-
0005 0031 0209 0282 0331 0404 0443 0495 0585 1020 1206 1327 1339 1418 1427 1506 1552 1610 1626 1919 1978 2025 2148 2185 2395 2526 2531 2566 2677 2754 2795 2843 3077 3127 3154 3245 3328 3356 3422 3460 3517 3619 3689 3697 3739 3794 3832 3885 3948 4045 4093 4095 4202 4502 4587 4666 4691 4719 4721 4798 5084 5198 5215 5251 5311 5452 5517 5857 6055 6076 6122 6148 6176 6199 6205 6229 6345 6386 6398 6495 6566 6594 6648 6762 6808 6814 6823 6845 6858 6927 7001 7113 7258 7280 7343 7387 7433 7466 7519 7772 7799 8008 8136 8187 8243 8247 8284 8300 8347 8390 8394 8531 8600 8612 8671 8804 8835 9053 9083 9139 9429 9468 9565 9570 9662 9782
The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.
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