Fifty Fifty (FF-32) Lottery Result
Date: 11 January 2023
1st Prize Rs.1,00,00,000/-
FS 144539 (IDUKKI)
Agent Name: SUBAIR T P
Agency No.: Y 2778
Consolation Prize Rs.8000/-
FN 144539 FO 144539
FP 144539 FR 144539
FT 144539 FU 144539
FV 144539 FW 144539
FX 144539 FY 144539
FZ 144539
2nd Prize Rs.10,00,000/-
Agency No.: T 3441
For the tickets ending with the following numbers
3rd Prize Rs.5,000/-
0951 2067 2550 2620 2682 2913 2955 2957 3771 4988 5373 5555 5841 5853 6159 7555 8012 8208 8827 9059 9479 9847 9964
4th Prize Rs.2,000/-
0395 1812 2140 2302 3321 3756 4572 4918 5508 6866 7582 7724
5th Prize Rs.1,000/-
1510 2097 2425 3362 3388 3619 3827 4547 4909 4987 5228 5594 6172 6530 7063 7573 7576 7730 8148 8394 8795 9019 9169 9736
6th Prize Rs.500/-
0099 0114 0310 0581 0619 0869 1411 1435 1749 1821 1930 1961 1989 2024 2160 2297 2424 2466 2510 2546 2589 2625 2675 2742 2785 2924 2963 2986 2994 3038 3062 3227 3371 3592 3852 3879 3894 3926 3968 4256 4366 4591 4670 4703 4862 5077 5091 5135 5151 5185 5203 5316 5338 5390 5455 5502 5546 5728 5802 5805 6368 6409 6419 6449 6650 6711 6878 7025 7161 7162 7257 7320 7448 7469 7552 7711 7714 7727 7743 7806 7873 7976 8036 8282 8301 8555 8605 8894 9228 9357 9406 9561 9640 9756 9950 9988
7th Prize Rs.100/-
0041 0053 0273 0279 0322 0378 0534 0656 0775 0799 0801 0950 1088 1093 1118 1130 1214 1321 1339 1347 1354 1400 1485 1489 1502 1506 1609 1798 2146 2354 2364 2405 2513 2545 2574 2737 3022 3023 3085 3094 3153 3272 3318 3329 3433 3455 3482 3548 3577 3612 3724 3759 3778 3799 3848 3862 4316 4381 4404 4440 4464 4471 4565 4666 4667 4684 4700 4715 4724 4820 4877 4968 5061 5445 5505 5694 5744 5800 5820 5867 6199 6213 6252 6586 6814 6940 7000 7089 7122 7346 7357 7367 7481 7579 7605 7650 7694 7700 7872 7912 8226 8270 8656 8723 8787 8802 8886 8889 8919 8934 9029 9091 9132 9209 9229 9340 9344 9351 9476 9566 9732 9883 9887 9973 9993 9995
The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.
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